If you are interested to know about SSC Exam Routine 2023 Bangladesh, then you are at the right place. ssc routine 2023 Moreover you will be satisfied to know important information about ssc exam 2023. Check out the table below for the topics on which this post is written. See this article in Bengali from here.
see more : HSC Exam Routine 2023
Latest Update
SSC Postponed Exam Routine 2023 has been published. See routine below :
(The post was last updated on May 17, 07 am.)
How will be SSC exam 2023
The 2023 SSC and Equivalent Examination will be held as per the Revised Syllabus 2023 prepared by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh.
See More : ২০২৩ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস pdf
2023 SSC and equivalent examination will be held in all subjects. 50 marks of ICT exams will be held in one and half hour. 100 marks of other subjects will be held in 3 hours.
First the multiple choice and then the creative (theoretical) test will be held and there will be no break between the two exams. 40 minutes for Multiple Choice (MCQ) exam and 2 hours 20 minutes for Creative (CQ) exam.
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SSC Exam of 2023 Timeline
SSC exam will start | From 30 April, 2023 |
SSC exam will end | 04 june, 2023 |
Exam will be held | In short syllabus |
Exam start time | 10 am |
Exam duration | 3 hours |
Who can take the SSC exam 2023
Regular students of the academic year 2021-2022, irregular students of the academic year 2020-2021 and 2019-2020 can take the SSC exam 2023.
Thus, the irregular students of the academic year 2018-2019 will be able to renew their registration period and take the exam only in the failed subjects except the fourth subject.
See more information from here
SSC Exam Routine 2023 Bangladesh
SSC Exam Routine 2023 Bangladesh has been released. The link to download the routine in pdf and image form will also be given below.

SSC Routine 2023 image
ssc exam routine 2023 pdf
SSC Practical Exam Routine 2023
SSC practical exam will be held between 15 days after ending the main subject exam and It will be held at respective centers.
In the practical examination of the music section of the subject of music, the candidate has to appear at the center within 10.30 am on the scheduled date along with the admit card, registration card, musical instrument, drummer and identifying teacher at his own expense.
The 10 guidelines for SSC 2023 candidates
In the SSC exam routine 2023, it states that candidates must take their seats in the exam room 30 minutes before the start of the exam. The exam should be taken according to the time mentioned in the question paper.
First the Multiple Choice and then the Creative exam will be conducted and there will be no break between the two exams. Time duration for multiple choice (MCQ) exam is 40 minutes and for creative (CQ) exam is 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Candidates should collect their admit card from the head of their institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination.
Candidates should fill the circle in their respective answer sheet OMR form by writing his/her examination roll number, registration number, subject code etc. appropriately. The answer sheet cannot be folded under any circumstances.
Candidates have to pass creative/composite (theoretical), multiple choice and practical sections separately. Each candidate can participate in the examination of the subject / subjects mentioned in the registration form only. Under no circumstances will he be able to participate in the examination in a different subject.
No candidate’s examination (creative/composite (theoretical), multiple choice and practical) will be held in his/her own school/institute. Seats should be arranged through transfer of candidates.
Candidates can use non-programmable scientific calculator in the exam.
No other person/candidate can bring and use mobile phone in the examination center except the center secretary.
Candidates must use the same attendance sheet for appearing in creative/composite (theoretical), multiple choice and practical examinations.
The practical exam will be held at respective centers. Application for re-examing can be made online through SMS within 07 (seven) days of publication of exam results.
The post is latest updated at 6:50 pm on 20 February 2023.